New England Center for Hair Restoration is continuing to serve patients around the world. An increasingly worldwide practice, NEhair played host this week to a Kazakhstani patient looking for PRP and stem cells for hair loss. The patient, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been suffering from hair loss for six years and had tried hair transplants in China and Russia without success.
Like many women around the world, our patient woke up one morning to find hairs falling out while combing. Obviously distressed, she began looking into hair transplant options. She ended up at facilities in the aforementioned countries but did not achieve the results she wanted. In fact, she is still so dissatisfied with her hair that she covers her head and does not show her hair to anyone but doctors.
Our patient heard about New England Center for Hair Restoration through friends in Boston. They researched hair restoration facilities in the area and recommended us to our now patient. She enjoys the fact that both treatment options will be organic, coming from her body, and she is confident that she will be safe with her stem cells for hair loss.
New England Center for Hair Restoration will take every measure to ensure that our patient is not disappointed again with her treatment. We will continue to update our blog with results over the course of our patient’s hair restoration process.