World vanguards in the field of hair restoration will meet June 1-2 in Athens, Greece for a super seminar at the 2013 Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) Academy Masters Meeting. The conference, described as a “unique interactive and informative global congress, presenting the latest developments of Global Hair Restoration updates,” will introduce the highly anticipated DHI Total Care System and Direct Hair Implantation Technique.
Speaking at the conference will be New England Center for Hair Restoration’s Dr. Ryan Welter. A world-renowned leader in the field of hair loss, Dr. Welter will share his latest ground-breaking research on hair restoration and stem cells.
“It’s phenomenal how fast this field is changing,” said Dr. Welter. “There’s so much we can do now. What we’re pioneering and researching with stem cells – and with all the medical techniques we have at our fingertips – we can do so much for patients, way more than we could even a few years back.”
Dr. Welter opened the New England Center for Hair Restoration in 2005, giving birth to a state-of-the-art facility designed exclusively for hair restoration surgeries. The facility has become one of the best of its kind in the world, offering both surgical and non-surgical treatments. Patients from across the globe have come to New England Center for Hair Restoration to receive a variety of world-class hair restoration procedures.
In addition, Dr. Welter has developed a male hair-loss classification chart to give hair-loss victims an exact indicator of where they are in their balding. The chart is the first of its kind since Dr. O’tar Norwood’s hair loss classification chart in 1975.
More information about Welter’s speech at the DHI Academy Masters Meeting will be posted on in the coming weeks.