Hesitant to get a hair transplant because you have yet to fully bald or recede? You aren't alone. Recently, several men in their 20s who have had hair restoration procedures from other clinics have complained of further balding following their procedure. Their results, in turn, look incredibly patchy and unnatural.
Fortunately, at New England Center for Hair Restoration, patients will not have to worry about this unnatural look occurring at any point following their procedure. We work with patients to ensure proper maintenance well after their hair transplant. We do this through our hair solutions, regular check ups, and consistent support in answering our patients' questions and concerns.
Many hair restoration centers give their patients a quick hair transplant then send them on their way, never checking in on them again. At NEhair, we schedule regular check ups 3 months, 6 months, and a year following surgery. We ensure that our patients are treating their hair properly, applying the necessary solutions and taking the right steps to prevent further balding. And we continue to answer patients' questions even after a year, should they have any. We expect nothing less than a lifetime of full hair results for all of our patients.
So if you want lifelong hair transplant results, what are you waiting for? Contact NEhair to schedule your free consultation today at at (855)-5-NE HAIR, (855) 563-4247.