Many potential hair transplant patients are concerned about the amount of time it will take to recover from a hair restoration procedure. Between work and family, a lot of our potential clients are concerned that they won’t have the time to go through with a procedure.

Fortunately, hair transplants at New England Center for Hair Restoration are non-invasive procedures, meaning there is very little “recovery” time. Most of our patients are able to return to work the very next day following their surgery. The reason for such a quick turnaround from surgery to normal routine is the meticulous detail we put into our procedures.

Using the Micro-FUE method, we punch tiny holes at the follicle and replace them with your real hair. The procedure is painless and does not give the type of scarring found at other hair restoration centers.

So what are you waiting for? Schedule your free consultation by calling NEhair at (855) 563-4247. Alternatively, you can set up a free face-to-face Skype call with Dr. Ryan Welter by emailing him directly at