Are you running up your plumbing bills with lost hair down the drain? Get the problem fixed today at NE Hair.
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So you’ve looked in the mirror and have started to notice balding or thinning in your hair. It’s a sinking feeling and one every man and woman hopes to avoid.
The first thing to realize is that you are far from alone. Over 30% of men start balding before the age of 30, and over 50% of men start balding before the age of 50. Additionally, many women experience hair loss for a variety of reasons ranging from menopause to Alopecia. Hair loss is a normal part of life for many people.
Second, realize that you have options, and that going bald isn’t an inevitability. Thankfully, in 2014, there are a variety of technological advances in hair restoration that make the process of getting your hair back easier than ever. And there is no better, more reliable facility than New England Center for Hair Restoration to take advantage of that technology.
To learn about hair restoration methods, including hair transplants, laser hair therapy, Micro-FUE, and stem cells for hair loss, please visit our Treatments Page. Or call NE Hair at (855) 563-4247 and schedule your free consultation.