Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) is an FDA-approved treatment for men and women suffering from hair loss. Utilizing the natural properties of light, combined with advanced laser technology, the treatment can stimulate natural hair growth. LHT is quick, convenient, and involves negligible discomfort. However, while this treatment has revolutionized the field of hair loss treatment, it is not right for everyone. Your doctor will evaluate your needs and the current state of your hair loss. Even if you do not qualify for LHT, we offer several other types of non-surgical hair loss treatment. During your evaluation, you doctor will determine the most effective option for you. To find out if you are a good candidate for Laser Hair Therapy, contact our Boston practice today.
What Is Laser Hair Therapy (LHT)?
Hair growth follows a cyclical pattern. At any given moment, your hair follicles are in one of three stages: the anagen, catagen, or telogen phases. The anagen phase is the period of active growth. During the catagen phase, hair follicles are resting. The telogen phase is when hair falls out. Normally, these hairs will be replaced by hairs in the anagen phase. However, if you suffer from hair loss, the new hairs will not come in to take their place.
Laser hair therapy causes hair follicles in the catagen and telogen phases to fall out. This will increase hair growth so that new anagen hairs can come in instead. The laser energy will also stimulate the mitochondria in hair follicles. In turn, the follicles will release adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This molecule is the basic source of biological energy.
Laser Hair Therapy Candidates
LHT is most appropriate for patients with early-stage hair loss. You may be a good candidate for this treatment if you have just started to experience hair loss due to any of the following conditions:
- Male or female pattern baldness
- Stress
- Alopecia
- Hormonal changes
- Low iron
- Other health concerns
If you have thin or limp hair, you may also be a good candidate for LHT. The treatment can enhance growth to give you thicker, more lustrous hair.
LHT Following Surgery
Your doctor may also suggest LHT as a pre or post-operative treatment. In fact, patients who undergo LHT in conjunction with surgery typically have more dramatic results than those who opt for surgery alone.
Other Treatment Options
If you have more advanced hair loss, LHT may not be the most effective procedure. We offer several other non-surgical options, including topical ointments and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). If your hair loss is particularly severe, or if you do not respond to these treatments, there are a number of surgical options to choose from. Procedures include follicular unit extraction (FUE), follicular unit transplant (FUT), and strip surgery. Please know that we will always begin with the most conservative option possible. Your doctor will make an honest assessment and treatment recommendation based on your needs.
Find out If You are a Candidate for LHT
Learn more about state-of-the-art laser hair therapy, and find out if it is right for you. Contact New England Center for Hair Restoration to schedule a consultation.