One of the best ways to keep your hair healthy and full is to consume the popular Omega 3 fatty acids that have been heavily marketed by a variety of health companies lately. Omega 3 acids can help fight hair loss through their anti-inflammatory properties, which allow follicles to open and function optimally.
The Omega 3 Traps: Plants vs. fish, and Omega 3-to-Omega 6 Ratios
In order to optimize your potential for hair growth through Omega 3 fats, there are a few little-known guidelines you should follow: Your Omega 6 fat levels should not significantly exceed your Omega 3 fat levels, and you need to get your Omega 3 fats from proper sources.
Omega 6 fats are found in abundance in most nuts, anything with vegetable oil, chicken, and beef (even grass-fed). So even though you are getting some healthy fats by eating nuts and grass-fed meat, the Omega 6-to-Omega 3 ratio in them is all out of sorts.
The reason the balance is so important is because Omega 3 fats reduce inflammation in the body while Omega 6 fats increase inflammation (which is needed in small amounts in the body). Too much Omega 6 without enough Omega 3 leaves the body constantly fighting off inflammation and stress.
An ideal balance between the two fats is said to be 1:1 by several medical experts.
But here are two more important catches:
1) The Omega 3 fats found in plants like Flax Seed and Walnuts contain a type of Omega 3 called ALA, which has not been shown to have the same benefits as other Omega 3 fats in the body. The best way to get REAL Omega 3s are through fish.
2) Most fish contain high levels of mercury. Wild salmon is your safest bet, and beyond that, small fish are best (avoid tuna, swordfish, etc.).
Ultimately, proper intake of Omega 3 fats can expedite the process of hair growth after a hair restoration procedure, such as those done at New England Center for Hair Restoration. To learn more about hair loss and to schedule your free consultation with NE Hair, contact us at (855) 5 NE HAIR.