Dr. Ryan Welter of NE Hair is a denizen of hair restoration conferences around the world. One of the vanguards in stem cell research for hair loss and one of only two doctors in the world using the Sub-FUE and Micro-FUE methods, Dr. Welter travels around the world to speak and share research with some of the world’s top doctors.
On May 4th to 6th, Dr. Welter visited The 7th World Congress for Hair Research in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to the meeting report, “a total of 597 clinicians, investigators, surgeons, patient representatives and industry personnel from 47 countries gathered together to discuss recent innovations in the field of hair research. The meeting brought together researchers from a wide range of disciplines, highlighting the top scientific discoveries in the recent years in 10 concurrent sessions and three plenary symposia.”
Following are pictures of Dr. Welter with some of the world’s top hair-restoration specialists at the conference.