Platelet Rich Plasma, commonly referred to as PRP, was recently featured on ABC News' popular segment "The Morning Stir". The story talked briefly about the science behind PRP and showed the positive results from patients who have undergone the treatment. But while PRP is only now starting to make national headlines, New England Center for Hair Restoration has been successfully using the procedure for years.
The process behind PRP is simple and natural. Platelet rich plasma makes up roughly 55% of a person's blood content, and because of the interaction PRP has with cells, it contains a plethora of growth factors. That's why PRP injections are also used for the healing of injured muscles and joints. At NE Hair, we inject the patient's own PRP on the scalp. The growth factors within platelet rich plasma stimulate hair growth. Thus far, we have seen amazing results from patients who have undergone PRP treatment at our facilities.
There's no need to wait for the future of hair restoration — the future is already here at NE Hair. We invite anyone who may be interested in PRP or any other hair restoration procedure to schedule a free, commitment-free consultation with our office to learn more about our innovative work and how we can restore your hair. Take the first step to restoring your own, natural hair. Call us at 855-5-NEHair to speak with a member of our staff.