Most people are nervous about the idea of any surgery. The thought of a meticulous procedure done on the body is scary, so surgery recipients want complete transparency when undergoing any surgical procedure. In an effort to give future hair transplant recipients an overview of the hair restoration process, we have laid out the steps we take here at New England Center for Hair Restoration to ensure our patients get the safest, most effective treatment possible.
The Consultation
Before any surgical or non-surgical treatments, we at New England Center for Hair Restoration like to map out the most efficient path to hair restoration for our patients. Therefore, we encourage patients to visit us for a free consultation to determine which option is best for them. Every patient is different. There is no one hair-loss cure-all that works for everyone, so it is important for us to get the medical and hereditary history of the hair loss patient we are working with. Is there a medical condition causing their hair loss? Does hair loss run in their family? Which of our many treatment options will best suit their hair-loss needs? These are all questions we ask and answer to ensure our patients receive the best treatment tailored to their needs.
The Restoration Procedure
The process of hair restoration differs based on each patient and procedure. We offer several types of surgical and non-surgical treatment options, and each differ in duration. However, each of our procedures is safe and painless. Many patients watch DVDs or listen to music while we perform our hair transplants. It is a comfortable, safe procedure, regardless of which treatment option we choose.
The Follow Up
The day after surgery and treatments, patients are asked to return to the center to have their transplanted grafts checked and hair washed. We care about our patients and want them to have both peace of mind following the procedure and instructions on how to handle their hair in the following days. Patients may then come to our center daily for hair wash to ensure their hair is properly handled. Our surgery is painless even after the procedure.
Schedule your free consultation with us today by calling (855) 563-4247.