There are a few non surgical hair loss treatments on the market today, including topical solutions and laser therapy. Over the past ten years at NE Hair, our team has been researching alternatives to these treatment options and the healing power that lives inside of our own bodies. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are an advanced method for stimulating wound and soft tissue healing. PRP can be used to treat baldness and hair loss.
What is PRP?
Platelets are a component of blood cells that help your body form clots and stop bleeding. When the body is injured, platelets become activated and over time your body will create new skin or tissue. We see this when we scrape our knee and a scab forms, followed by new, healed skin. This same idea can be applied to hair restoration. PRP raises the local concentration of platelets in the blood above the baseline, and when activated creates an environment of healing of injured hair follicles.
PRP injections are prepared from the patient’s own blood. Once prepared, the activated platelets are injected into the abnormal tissue, releasing growth factors that recruit and increase the proliferation of reparative cells. Target specific therapy, generally under ultrasonic guidance, places activated platelets exactly where they need to be to help regenerate damaged tissue.
What are traditional non surgical hair restoration treatment options?
Traditional treatment options include topical solutions, laser hair therapy, and over the counter supplements.
Topical solutions: The most popular over the counter topical solutions are Rogaine® and Propecia®. Rogaine®’s effectiveness varies among individuals, and its mechanism of action is not well understood. Propecia® is a prescription oral medication that works to inhibit the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is shown to be an agent in causing baldness. Propecia® is a reasonable option for men with early stage hair loss, however men with extensive hair loss will see little to no benefit. Propecia® should not be taken by women.
Laser hair therapy: Laser light is shown to activate mitochondria in patients’ cells. Once activated, the mitochondria releases ATP that in turn signals the nucleus to start cell division, which eventually differentiates into hair follicles. Laser hair therapy is a good option for individuals in the early stages of hair loss.
Supplements: Protein shakes and vitamins are available from a variety of vendors. Results from these supplements vary by patient.
Why is PRP the best?
PRP has minimal side effects, and is a completely organic treatment. This means that the risks and side effects of are no different than a blood draw or shot. There is little to no recovery time required.
Topical solutions sometimes slow the progression of hair loss, but patients almost never achieve the results they desire solely through topical solutions. Patients can also become frustrated with the process of constantly having to apply ointments or take oral medication. There can also be some side effects from these treatments. PRP is a much more flexible, effective solution that requires only one treatment every 18 months.
Contact Us
Reach out to NE Hair using the form below or by calling us at (774) 643-6126 to learn more about our PRP hair restoration treatments!