Is it Normal for Men to Lose Hair in the Shower Every Day?

So you’ve been noticing hair in the drain of your showers more often lately, and you aren’t sure if this is a sign of permanent hair loss. First off, don’t panic – many people lose hair in the shower daily, and some aren’t balding at all. People lose 50-100 hairs a day on average, simply because of hair’s cyclic activity of growth and regrowth. It is, however, important to differentiate between cyclic hair loss and permanent hair loss problems.

Note: If you are rapidly losing hair, see your doctor. Hair loss could be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

The way men go bald is deceptively seamless. Their hair slowly starts to recede towards the front or on the vertex, and over time the recession becomes more noticeable. Receding hair does not grow back naturally. Once recession has started, it can only be slowed through topical products. The only way to permanently stop recession and fully restore hair is through a hair transplant procedure.

So how can you tell if your hair loss is insignificant or a sign that you’re actually going bald? The answer can be found in Dr. Ryan Welter’s Hair Loss Classification Chart, seen below.

By measuring the amount of recession on the front and vertex of your head, you can see how far you are into balding, if at all.

Don’t worry if you are receding and at that dreaded point of no return. Hair transplants are an increasingly popular procedure that are highly affordable. With the technology that’s available in 2020, there is no reason you shouldn’t have the full head of hair you want.

Contact us today, free of charge, if you have any questions about your hair loss. Consultations are free and can be scheduled through phone (855) 563-4247 or through Skype, Zoom or Facetime.
